Brilliant Ballymaloe
Whar a great achievement to win a national poetry competition and a lovely prize to partake in cookery demonstrations and sample the lovely food at Ballymaloe.
Baby Daras last visit
Baby Dara has one more visit with seniors before the school year ends. We have learned so much from baby Dara watching him change, learn to crawl , communicate with his mom , hold objects, follow objects and smile and laugh. Seniors have really enjoyed the Roots of Empathy Programme.
School Magazine
The annual sixth magazine which is a synopsis of the great school year we have had will soon be on sale. Sixth class are currently taking orders. Great value and well done to all the pupils for compiling the information snd for editing and publishing this document. Wonderful literacy and ICT skills throughout.
Jogging for June
The active flag committee have organised a running initiative. Each class gets an opportunity to go out to the school yard and pupils are encouraged to jog around it as many times as they can in ten minutes. We are doing this for a number of weeks and we hope to see an increase in the childrens' fitness levels. A great idea from the active flag committee.
City Sports Success
A great day was had by all competitors at CIT , it was a bonus to do so well. 3 pupils reached the county qualifers. Our under 13 boys scorched to victory.the under 11s came an impressive third and we had many winners in the sprints. Thanks so much Mrs O Hanlon fir all your help at the training session
Food Dudes
We were delighted to receive a certificste in recognition of completing the Food Dude's Programme. Well done to all our pupils, teachers and parents.
Holy Communion
Wishing all the pupils a blessed and joyous day. Thanks to Mr O Sullivan , school staff and all who have helped make this a special day. Photo credit : O Brien Studios.
Go raibh míle maith agaibh ar fad as cabhrú leis an gCéad Chomaoineach
Comhghairdeas ó chroí leis na leanaí a ghlac an Chéad Chomaoineach. Bhí gach duine acu go haoibhinn ar fad.
To all the individuals, who prepared the halla or helped in any way getting ready for Saturday (i.e. flowers, decorations, etc.), who welcomed our visitors or who served tea and coffee – Go raibh míle maith agaibh.
Wonderful Walls
Wow all the children are delighted and amazed at the besutiful artwork completed by parents who volunteered over the break to design and paint fantastic murals around the school.
Be Active
Some pupils from 1st class took part in Be Active after school. They are looking forward to the next two weeks of it.
Cycle Right Programme
5th and 6th class pupils took part in the Cycle Right Programme. It is a fun six week course that teaches you the correct way to cycle. There was a big focus on safety when riding a bike. The children learnt about junctions, traffic lights, road signs and the bike check.
Tag Rugby
This year we were lucky enough to get 6 weeks of coaching from Munster Rugby. These classes were great fun and the children were really active. The coach kindly gifted the school with rugby balls and cones at the end of the sessions.
Growing Seeds
Junior infants had lots of fun planting different types of seeds today. We are growing tomatoes and peas. We are looking forward to watching these grow. Junior Infants are going to be veg detectives and will monitor the growth of the tomatoes and peas. We know that they need sunlight to grow so we have put them in a sunny place.
F.A.I. Soccer
In April boys and girls in our school took part in the F.A.I. soccer tournament. They had a great day and did the school proud.
Be Active
Be Active is starting next Thursday March 28th. It is an after schools programme for pupils in 1st class and will run for three weeks. It is a physical activity programme that will help keep your child fit and healthy.
Money Sense
Junior Infants had a very special visitor to the school today. A lady named Marie that works with Ulster Bank came to visit their class. They learnt all about needs and wants and the differences between both. They also asked Marie some questions about the work that she does in the bank. They were all presented with a certificate and a goody bag. Many thanks to Marie for visiting us.
Tinfoil Art
For art Juniors enjoyed drawing on tinfoil and colouring in their pictures using sharpie markers. Great fun.
Camogie with Esther
Girls in classes 1st - 4th were taught camogie skills by Esther. They learned lots of new skills and played some matches during training lessons. Thanks Esther.
The whole school have thoroughly enjoyed their gymnastics classes over the past few weeks.
The Garden Centre
Juniors are learning all about the garden centre as part of aistear. They are really enjoying the role play area. They have been showing great imagination in the construction area: building greenhouses and garden centres from lego. They have made beautiful paintings and created some flowers in playdough.
Chalk Drawings
Seeing as how the sun was shining Juniors went outside for art today. They had a great fun drawing shapes, letters and pictures on the ground using washable chalk.
Margaret Griffin visits the school
Today, Junior and Senior Infants and the green schools enjoyed a talk from Margaret Griffin, owner of Griffin's Garden Centre in Dripsey. She explained all about plants and biodiversity and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. Margaret obviously is well-known, as during her time here, PJ Coogan rang from 96fm! He spoke to Clídna McNamara from 5th class and asked her how our school was helping the local environment. Clídna spoke really well and did the school proud!
Valentine's Day
1st and 2nd class enjoyed making their Valentine Surprise for their parents
The Farm
The farm has been the latest topic by Junior Infants in aistear. We created some pigs at the art group. They hid farm animals in the sand box and someone else had to find them. They built farms using blocks and lego. They enjoyed playing with toy animals, tractors and sheds in the small world group.
Basketball Blitz
6th Class attended non-competitive Basketball games organised by Corks Sports Partnership on Thursday 7th. Thank you to Mrs O'Hanlon who trained the teams
Indoor Hurling
Wednesday 6th February Mr McSweeney and 4th class boys went to Cloughduv GAA Complex to play in the Indoor Hurling Competitions. St. Lachteens entered 2 teams and both represented the school with skill and pride. The team in white jerseys won all their matches and reached the final playing against Aghabullogue. They lost by a goal. Well done to all.
As part of art, Junior infants made some creative skeletons using cotton buds.
St. Bridget's Day
Pupils in Mr O'Sullivan's classroom were busy preparing for St.Bridget's Day 1st February 2019
Pupils coloured St. Bridget's Cloak and with the help of some pupils from senior classes pupils made
St. Bridget cross from pipe cleaners
Pupils coloured St. Bridget's Cloak and with the help of some pupils from senior classes pupils made
St. Bridget cross from pipe cleaners
Happy New Year 2019
Fáilte ar ais tar éis an Nollaig.Tá súil againn go raibh sos deas ag gach duine. Welcome back after the Christmas break. What a busy term we have ahead. We look forward to learning and working together. This term we will have Gymnastics for all, Quiz events, indoor and outdoor hurling, Food Dudes for all pupils and many other exciting activities to complement the delivery of the curriculum. We are all looking forward to fun filled times in 2019
Winter Art
Junior Infants created some beautiful winter pictures. See below for a few examples of their fabulous artwork. If you look closely you will find some robins in the snow.
Christmas Concert - 18th December
The pupils are busy preparing for their Christmas Concerts. If the practices and dress rehearsals are anything to go by, you are sure to be in for a great treat. They were so spectacular at the dress rehearsal that they even got a visit from Santa and one of his elves! Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.
Aistear: Santa's Workshop
Junior infants thoroughly enjoyed being a part of Santa's workshop for aistear. They were making and wrapping presents for santa to deliver, decorating a christmas tree and much more. We had christmas songs playing to make it really festive.
St. Lachteen's National School Celebrates 70 Wonderful Years.
On Thursday, December 6th, a very special mass was celebrated in St. Lachteen's Church. Fr. Riordan, Fr. Wickham and Fr. Kelleher concelebrated this mass in which current and past pupils, current and past staff, grandparents and oarents were all part of. From the readings, to the offertory, to the prayers of the faithful and the musicians and singers who joined us on the day, everyone played an important part in making this day so special.
After mass, the children all were entertained by 'Pirate Pete' and even had some candy floss as a treat!
Grandparents, past pupils, parents, past teachers and friends of St. Lachteen's National School all went for a walk through the school to see how the school looks now and how it has changed since it opened in 1948. It was a great success.
After mass, the children all were entertained by 'Pirate Pete' and even had some candy floss as a treat!
Grandparents, past pupils, parents, past teachers and friends of St. Lachteen's National School all went for a walk through the school to see how the school looks now and how it has changed since it opened in 1948. It was a great success.
Robot making
Junior infants have been enjoying making robots. They made some from unifix cubes, drew some on their whiteboards and also designed their own robot as part of art. They had great fun speaking in robot voices.
Aistear: The Restaurant
Junior infants are learning about the restaurant at the moment. They are busy cooking some food in the kitchen and serving the customers. They are making some yummy food with playdough. They have built restaurants out of lego aswell.
Baby Darragh teaches Senior Infants
Senior Infants are participating in the Roots of Empathy programme. This programme helps children develop their social skills, healthy living, relationship building and education. The programme is based on providing school children the opportunity to observe, with the guidance of a trained Roots of Empathy Instructor, the interaction of a parent and a baby. Roots of Empathy teaches infant development, emotional literacy, inclusion, respect and fosters the development of empathy.
Grandparents Day. School 70 years. Dec 6th .

To mark the school being 70 years, there will be a special mass on Thursday December 6th at 11am in St Lachteens Church. Followed by Refreshments/Chat/ Walk about the school after.
This is also the day where we celebrate our Grandparents, so all grandparents are also welcome on this special day.
This is also the day where we celebrate our Grandparents, so all grandparents are also welcome on this special day.
Listening Walk : Junior Infants
Junior Infants went on a listening walk. They made some special ears for this walk. We tiptoed around the school and the yard. We heard so many different sounds such as cars driving, birds tweeting, children singing and a dog barking. They showed really good listening.
Active School Competition
The active school committee have organised a slogan competition. The best slogan will be chosen. There is also a competition for the best poster. Closing date for entries is Monday October 22nd. Winners will be announced at our assembly at the end of October.
Donoughmore U12 Champions
Pupils involved in the Donoughmore U12 hurling team arrived with a spring in their step in to school after being crowned the East Cork champions for 2018 on Sunday 14th October. Our pupils did our school proud and the captain on the day, David, brought in the shield. The victorious pupils visited all classes to share their success story. Domhnach Mór Abú!
Club survey
5th and 6th class pupils have been busy conducting a survey with some classes to find out what clubs they are apart of. With the data collected they have created some graphs. Below is a graph showing 1st classes favourite sports.
Planting flowers 1st and 2nd class
Wednesday 10th October pupils from 1st and 2nd class planted our window boxes with violas, under our new shelter.
Super Troopers
As part of being an active school we are taking part in the Super Troopers programme. The aim of the programme is to encourage children and their families to live more active lifestyles. It aims to promote healthy bodies and minds. Each child in the school received a super trooper activity journal. It has lots of suggestions on ways to be active.
Nature Walk
We took advantage of the nice weather and Junior Infants went on a nature walk. We have been learning about autumn so we were on the lookout for signs of autumn. We spotted the different coloured leaves and even found some berries. We collected some leaves on the walk and used them for art later to decorate a hedgehog.
Ladybird Hunt
Junior infants went on an adventure out to the playground in search of ladybirds. We used magnifying glasses to help us spot some ladybirds.
Art in Junior Infants
Junior Infants have been very busy and created some lovely ladybirds.
Whole School Walk
On Thursday 27th September, the whole school participated in a walk to celebrate European Fitness Day. The weather was nice and sunny which we were very grateful for!
First Assembly of 2018
We held our first assembly of the new school year on the last Friday of September. This month, our new junior infant class were given a special welcome, we celebrated our kind kid raffle and our shining star certificates were given out.